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All the resources on this website are for the purpose of Spreading The Word of God to help you on your Spiritual Journey and your efforts to become more like Christ every day.
And… and are available at no cost so as to remove any weight that entangles you by not utilizing them for your own Spiritual Growth.
However, as you know as with any ministry it incurs costs for printing, shipping, staffing expenses, website and IT costs, as well as all the other related costs in putting together and distributing the content on this website to reach as many as possible for Christ.
NKJV: 1 Corinthians 9:19, “For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more;”
We have a long way to go to complete the current stage of this online resource, and if the Holy Spirit moves your heart to help us complete this project and the ongoing ministry costs like printing and shipping costs of books for those who cannot afford to do: you can fulfill His prompting with your gift below.